Auxiliary cars DOLLY
To remove the rolling stock in case of blocked and not rollable rail wheels or wheelsets ZWEIWEG offers the product series DOLLY. With a DOLLY the recovery is carried out quickly, safely and cost-effectively without damaging the rolling stock or the track infrastructure. For special requirements, ZWEIWEG also develops a customized special construction.

Technical data
- Typical axle load: 8 – 12 t
- Wheel diameter: 110 mm / 124 mm
- Rail wheel width: ≤ 115 mm
- Typical weight: 95 – 125 kg
- Scope of use: Tram / Light railway vehicle
- Lifting of rail vehicle: approx. 140 mm by rerailing system
- Main feature: Tool free mounting

Technical data
- Typical axle load: 12 – 16t
- Wheel diameter: 150 mm
- Rail wheel width: ≤ 115 mm / ≤ 135 mm
- Typical weight: 145 – 175 kg
- Scope of use: Metro / Light railway vehicle
- Lifting of rail vehicle: approx. 180 mm by rerailing system
- Main feature: Tool free mounting

Technical data
- Typical axle load: 20 t
- Wheel diameter: 150 mm
- Rail wheel width: ≤ 135 mm
- Typical weight: 195 – 225 kg
- Scope of use: Main / Light railway vehicle
- Lifting of railing vehicle: approx. 200 mm by rerailing system
- Main feature: Tool free mounting

Technical data
- Typical axle load: 27 t
- Wheel diameter: 280 mm
- Rail wheel width: ≤ 145 mm
- Typical weight: 500 – 600 kg
- Scope of use: Main line railway vehicle
- Lifting of rail vehicle: approx. 30 mm by rerailing system
- Main feature: Mounted directly around the defective axle
Technical data
- Typical axle load: 27 t
- Wheel diameter: 230 mm
- Rail wheel width: ≤ 135 mm
- Typical weight: 375 – 400 kg
- Scope of use: Main line railway vehicle
- Lifting of rail vehicle: approx. 30 mm self-loading
- Main feature: Mounted directly around the defective axle
- Optionally applicable with additional equipment as auxiliary bogie vehicle (auxiliary bogie or towing an entire bogie)